Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ascension through Descension

Although recently voted as the most disliked, overused English expression, "Whatever" pretty much sums up my conclusive observations, admonitions, and profound insights I have felt compelled to share from this summer's and recent fall experiences. I last left off expecting to pontificate about intentions and how consciousness shapes matter, but with all of us so riddled with contradicting, unconscious agendas, what's the point of setting intentions! (Unless, of course, you are a Resonance Repatterning practitioner with time to repattern your resonance with negative projections or have unlimted funds and can have a practitioner on a retainer basis.)

So then it became apparent to me that the real pressing matter to be discussed (and seemed to be in the air collectively) was the theme of Yin and Yang and how this seemingly foreign description of negative and positive everything is really very relevant to each of us daily and if we only really grokked and embraced this pervasive concept, we'd remember when things were going array that it is some imbalance in the fundamental polarity of the situation that needs adjustment. When reading up on and doing the Repatterning titled: "The Marriage of Your Yin and Yang - and How to Live Happily Ever After" (by Chloe Faith Wordsworth -, I was reminded of the real juice of the principle is getting to the neutral zone beyond duality - where we transcend into bliss and unconditional love - the field of all possibilities and beyond our ever restless mind, full of desires and our idea of how to fulfill them...but even the clarity and need for discussing this all-pervasive theme gave way to the crushing power of my dark emotions in the face of aging, financial strain, over-working, and reflecting on the boobie prize I semed to be holding after a lifetime of faithful spiritual practice, earnest seeking, serving in the sense of confronting all of my addictions, character defects, fears, and limitations, all in service to the committment of "Doing God's Will", to do the ultimate service and give my life to being spirit led. Well, what the ___ ! Here I am at a ripe middle age without a pot to ___ in and no guarantees of a single lifetime goal coming to fruition and surrounded by people who appear to not only not be commited to anything, never mind world peace, spiritual enlightenment, and unconditional love, but these average folks seem to be enjoying the fruits of being "householders" - that Indian name for folks who choose a not too challenging path of home, family, and ordinary work. Unlike the artists, "Lightworkers", and other independent souls marching to inwardly directed leadings that I know right now who are all surfing the net in search of reassurance that they are not the only ones being squewered by circumstances and painful self-confrontation, these ordinary folks are driving around in nice new cars, going home to their nice homes in more rural and attractive areas (or comfortable apartments, steady income) , going to church on Sundays with their innocent children, pursuing what seem to be nice, sane lives without too much drama or stress, while those of us quietly and diligently meditating, praying and offering our lives to a Grand Scheme here are wondering if there is some redeeming ending to this lifetime of devotion and being dedicated to the saving of the planet and healing one another of our family of origin damage!

WHATEVER! Here we are, (some of us anyway, not currently in touch with our attitude of gratitude), feeling up the creek without a paddle but learning now more than ever to "Be Here Now" (or die, as you've noticed so many are are), and "Let Go and Let God" (because the moment we think we know the way, or decide there is none, Ha!), and it finally dawned on me - the wisdom of Barbara Hand Clow's astrological description of Pluto in Capricorn, squaring Uranus in Aries! In the midst of this (finally) collective desire for a better world, and this massive cleansing of our emotional wounding and healing of the ecosystem, "we will find ourselves by going into the dark, finding ecstasy by diving into the pain"...the Goddess within (our Spirit, our Yin), will remain to be our only true source of sanity and creativity. How could I have forgotten? That only be going through the feelings can we be free, no matter how wretched and hopeless, that by yielding to the gravity of the depression or fear will we be released from their hold. And then the wholeness is restored, the light can shine through, minus the personal baggage that generated the resistance and pain.

And it was only two New Year's ago that I shared with students that these upcoming years to 2012 would be ladened with vast potential - for negative or positive, all depending on where we placed our attention. That despite the media's sensationalized broadcast of a collapsing world, the truth is that a whole new world that no one can imagine is being born and the most helpful thing to do is to keep our visions centermost. With the speed with which the transformation is occuring, we will be witnessing evermore evidence of this truth, so despair not (or not for long anyway), because by surrending to the WHATEVER of the higher frequencies bursting through, we will be greatly gratified to have come for this ride!

1 comment:

  1. Carol, I loved your thoughts and thanks for sharing them. It is indeed hard to wend our way through the world these days. I have always been a "Be Here, Now" kinda girl, but what if being here now is kinda crappy? When will it get better? You might find this link useful. I did:
