Thursday, July 23, 2009

Two principles...Resonance and Non-Locality

Hello anyone and everyone...I have been wanting to define two more important principles that may not have anything to do "with the price of tea from China" but do have to do with everything we experience and can experience or understand why we're not experiencing...and oddly and unintentionally these two related concepts will allow me to offer my interpretation as to how astrology actually works and how planetary bodies and cosmic forces REALLY affect us.

So first, I will review the definition of RESONANCE...we certainly hear people using the word "resonate" as to whether they vibe with someone or something in a negative or positive way by saying "I didn't really resonate with" so and so or the opposite but do we understand the principle to which they are referring?

Simply put, everything vibrates...everything has a frequency (the speed of that vibration) and vibrations are usually measured in terms of Hertz (from the German physicist who was known for his work with short wave radio waves, the basis for wireless communication). These vibrations are in wave forms - you have seen the wavey lines characterized by "crests" and "troughs" and the speed of those crests and troughs determine the frequency of a wave and therefore their sound or effect in their atmosphere. When two waves forms co-exist either they match (are in resonance), are entirely different (cancel each other out), or, if similar, can come into phase with one another and actually increase their power. What ever we resonate with is what shows up in our lives...physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, or, even more accurately, whatever part of the electro-magnetic spectrum that we are in phase with is what we experience, consciously or not. (If you read the previous blog entry about the definition of "Multi-Dimensional, you might begin to wonder where you want to dial your frequenciies!)

So, thanks for following that, and, if you will, bear with me while I jump to something apparently entirely unrelated but you will see, directly relates to resonance and you...

The term Non-Locality came into existence after another important physicist, David Bohm, developed and wrote about his understanding that on a fundamental subatomic level, every particle is equal and connected and therefore not seperate in space or time - all interconnected in an "unbroken web and embedded in space" (Michael Talbot, Holographic Universe, 1991 ) I understand or imagine it, the variations in frequencies are what create form...the shape of your nose is due to each particular cell's frequency (bone, blood, skin cells) adding up to the total shape of your nose and the same goes for all of your internal organs and the frequency of the metal that is holding up my chair and so forth...and in keeping with Bohm's perception that nothing is seperate, we can see we are moving in this medium of air and walking on the dense frequencies we call rock and earth and so on but it is all energy, just some alot less dense than others.

Now, to demonstrate non-locality and resonance, just think of a tuning fork in your hand (let's say made to vibrate at the note of C) and imagine another tuning fork made to the same note of C on the Moon, and when you strike your tuning fork, whether we can hear it or not, on some subtle level, that tuning fork on the Moon experiences resonance and vibrates its note of C.

Finally, to my point: As I understand astrological influences, rather than mere gravitational influences (like the Full Moon exerts on us demonstrated by the high tides and so on), I am imagining that it is through resonance with the various planets and cosmic "rays" that our sensibilities are affected...for example, if Venus (yes, each planet has its own total frequency) is "trine" (a 120 degree angle) to Jupiter, this sets up a specific combination of frequencies that we are going to resonate with one way or another, and that specific way would be entirely customized according to how our natal circumstances established that frequency with us at the moment of our birth.

The complexities are obviously innumerable, but I wanted to put forth a little more clarity about why this major alignment with the Milky Way's Center and our traversing the Photon Band are powerful, transformative influences on our Earth, society, and each of our individual lives and how choosing to envision our ideal outcome, moment by moment, month by month, year by year, helps us resonate with this enormous positive potential.

..more on intentions next week.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The meaning of "Multi-Dimensional"

When I attended a workshop years ago to be initiated into a "9 Dimensional" realm, I anticipated various altered states with entirely different laws of physics ruling, only to be mildly disappointed with what turned out to be a lengthy meditation process with various musically accompaniment that ranged from rather earthy rhythems to more refined celestial sounds. Some time later, I realized that the New Age community's use of this term "multi-dimensional" was really just referring to the electro-magnetic spectrum and that the frequencies that one tunes into determine which "dimension" one is occupying. When I referred to the "5th Dimensional" frequencies in my last post as being those of the Heart, I meant exactly that when one is elevated in consciousness to be aware of the untiy of all and experiencing the accompanying unconditional love, that is living out of the Heart and resonating in 5th Dimensional frequencies - those that are permeating our atmosphere more abundantly now that we are approaching the alignment with the center of the Milky Way. Along this spectrum, the center core (crystal) of the earth is considered to hold the first dimensional vibrations and by the time one measures the earth's surface frequencies we experience our familiar 3-D realm...continue on out into space and into the center of the Milky Way and we land in the "10th dimension" - a realm with extraordinary light, intelligence, and even some believe, the mind of our Creator in local universe terms.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Photon Band

As promised, although delayed, I would like to define what I understand the Photon Band to be and its influence on us now. This understanding has been derived from Barbara Hand Clow's incredible book: The Pleiadian Agenda and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Although published in 1995, we are experiencing all that she predicted very tangibly now and would do well to savor some of the mind expanding concepts she conveys. From pages 26-76 the dynamics of Photon Bands are explained. To begin with a photon is a light particle that has originated in a positronium and has a twin particle that travels away from its origins in the exact angle as its twin - forever...according to Clow's far more elaborate and inspiring explanation, the center of the Milky Way (a black hole) spins out bands of these activated photons and our solar system is currently passing through this shower of light activity, in fact our sun is about dead center of it right now. So in simple terms, we are being catalyzed by photonic activity - we are being showered by light, and this light is actually information - creative intelligence - the Millky Way is spewling creative intelligence that we are wired to receive and respond to...and on refined levels our nervous systems are being catalyzed to release density - emotional blocks to resonating on more coherent levels. So, although we may be feeling mighty odd at times, my sense and observations ,as well as readings of many other more qualified sources, say that the collapse of our many institutional structures as well as the appearance of some of our individual lives, is not so much about death and destruction but about being forced to yield to the greater intelligence emmerging through every living particle in and about us. A more fanatical religionsist can justify these being the "End Times", not assured of the spectacular wisdom of the Creative Intelligence being emmitted from our Milky Way's center and the love fest this "5th Dimensional" heart energy will result in. On Barbara Hand Clow's current website where she publishes statements about seasonal astrological influences, she recently advised that by diving into our pain we will find our ecstasy, by diving into the dark feminine we discover our my advice is to give all of your feelings room! Sit and breathe and feel this powerful energy shaking the foundation of your lower chakras, cry, laugh, shiver, and shake out any historical baggage not serving you and find the peace of surrendering to this mighty river of life-light that is taking us for the ride of a lifetime!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just to refresh your idea about our Milky Way and the Earth's position in it I am posting this picture of it. One point worth reminding ourselves of is that just as Copernicus determined that the Earth is not the center of our solar system but that the Sun is (so we became helio-centric), we are now evolving into an awareness that the center of our galaxy is a more predominant force and we are becoming galactic-centered. The power and signals emmited from this centralized point will become of greater interest to us as we join the cosmos and become cosmic citizens, not just planetary citizens.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

To begin with, let me say right up front that I am utterly convinced that we are being strongly affected by our planetary position in the solar system and its relation to the Photon Band and its continuing proximity to aligning with the center of our Milky Way. These two factors are in addition to the powerful astrological configurations that the earth is currently in relation to the major planets in our solar system: Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter. For skeptics, I only need to remind you of Einstein's theory of relativity and the principle of resonance to nudge you to open your mind to the possibility that our brains and nervous systems are sending and receiving devices for information - energy a great deal of the physical symptoms that highly sensitive individuals are noticing are a result of being re-calibrated to higher frequencies permeating our beings.

For others, the energies are still present and yet their affects are being expressed in more generalized ways such as additional nervousness and anxiety, short-temperedness, or outright physical diseases or in the case of those who really cannot cope or for some personal reason choose not participate here - death, one sure way of transforming.

Tomorrow, I will provide definitions of the Photon Band, resonance, and a clarification of this alignment with the center of the Mily Way.