Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Photon Band

As promised, although delayed, I would like to define what I understand the Photon Band to be and its influence on us now. This understanding has been derived from Barbara Hand Clow's incredible book: The Pleiadian Agenda and I cannot recommend it highly enough. Although published in 1995, we are experiencing all that she predicted very tangibly now and would do well to savor some of the mind expanding concepts she conveys. From pages 26-76 the dynamics of Photon Bands are explained. To begin with a photon is a light particle that has originated in a positronium and has a twin particle that travels away from its origins in the exact angle as its twin - forever...according to Clow's far more elaborate and inspiring explanation, the center of the Milky Way (a black hole) spins out bands of these activated photons and our solar system is currently passing through this shower of light activity, in fact our sun is about dead center of it right now. So in simple terms, we are being catalyzed by photonic activity - we are being showered by light, and this light is actually information - creative intelligence - the Millky Way is spewling creative intelligence that we are wired to receive and respond to...and on refined levels our nervous systems are being catalyzed to release density - emotional blocks to resonating on more coherent levels. So, although we may be feeling mighty odd at times, my sense and observations ,as well as readings of many other more qualified sources, say that the collapse of our many institutional structures as well as the appearance of some of our individual lives, is not so much about death and destruction but about being forced to yield to the greater intelligence emmerging through every living particle in and about us. A more fanatical religionsist can justify these being the "End Times", not assured of the spectacular wisdom of the Creative Intelligence being emmitted from our Milky Way's center and the love fest this "5th Dimensional" heart energy will result in. On Barbara Hand Clow's current website where she publishes statements about seasonal astrological influences, she recently advised that by diving into our pain we will find our ecstasy, by diving into the dark feminine we discover our healing...so my advice is to give all of your feelings room! Sit and breathe and feel this powerful energy shaking the foundation of your lower chakras, cry, laugh, shiver, and shake out any historical baggage not serving you and find the peace of surrendering to this mighty river of life-light that is taking us for the ride of a lifetime!

1 comment:

  1. Carol, although verbose, your blog fascinates me. Especially the part about chakras. In yoga, we identify seven primary chakras (energy centers), rather than six. Barbara Hand Clow's observation about "diving into our pain" is reminiscent of Dr. Deepak Chopra's description of meditation as "diving into the crevices of silence" - what a remarkable way to deal with inner turmoil.
